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St. James Animal Hospital
Dear St James Animal Hospital friends, 

These are stressful times for all, and the last thing you need is to worry about your pet’s health while we navigate through the most recent health threat of COVID-19. That’s why we are continually adjusting our protocol to best serve our clients and patients.

Resuming curbside service. 
In an effort to keep everyone – you, your pet, and our staff – safe and healthy, we will be exclusively providing curbside service to our clients, for both pets with appointments and also for picking up supplies like food and medication. This means you will please call us upon your arrival, and we will send a team member to retrieve your pet from your car and bring your pet inside and/or to bring you your items for purchase. 
Photo of cute black and white mixed breed dog smiling in back car seat

For scheduled while-you-wait appointments, we will contact you on your cell phone to discuss your pet's recent history and the veterinarian's findings while you wait in your car. Please make sure your pet is safely restrained with a leash and/or crate for dogs and a carrier for cats. If you are interested in having a video call with the doctor, please let us know the best email to send a link to. Please be aware that you will need to have access to zoom for us to set this up for you.

Curbside and drop-off services are offered to limit your public exposure and still maintain your pet's veterinary care. Think of them as VIP valet service for your pet! 

Photo of orange tabby cat snuggling with owner under a blanket IMPORTANT:
If you're feeling under the weather yourself, we ask you to please take very special precautions, for the safety of our staff, our clients, our patients - and for your own health, as well.    
If you are feeling at all unwell or may have been exposed to someone with COVID-19, please either
- Arrange for someone else to bring your pet in, or
- If your pet is scheduled for a wellness visit and isn’t sick, please call us to reschedule your appointment. You won’t be penalized for canceling an appointment due to illness or possible exposure.

We have always had extensive daily cleaning protocols that keep our facilities clean and sanitary. In addition to our regular daily cleaning we have also added additional cleaning/disinfecting protocols for extra protection, per the CDC's recommendations.

Thank you very much for working with us while we make adjustments to our procedures for caring for our patients while keeping everyone healthy and safe. Please call us as we would be happy to answer any questions!

Your friends at St. James Animal Hospital

Thank you for trusting St. James Animal Hospital with the care of your pet's health.
This electronic communication is being sent to you by VIN Practice on behalf of St. James Animal Hospital - 538 N. Country Road, St. James, NY 11780 United States.
(VIN Practice is a division of the Veterinary Information Network, 777 West Covell Blvd, Davis, California, 95616, USA,
 (800) 454-0576)
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